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Edgar Allan Poe Inspired Halloween Decor as found on Pinterest

You know, it’s hard to get the same results doing a Pinterest project as the original poster. But Halloween is a little different because what makes it spooky is that it’s NOT perfect.

I recently went looking for some Halloween inspiration and settled on an Edgar Allan Poe theme. You know, THIS GUY.

These ideas are not my own, the pictures and ideas came from the following sources listed. Please hit the original links for more details!

You can print this freebie HERE

So seeing these ideas, I put together a shopping list for myself (and you)! The spiderweb lace already came in and I.am.in.love!

Spooky cloth // Birdcages // Candelabra // Skull // Birds // Roses // Spiderweb lace // Feather wreath // Candles

So what do you think of the Edgar Allan Poe theme for Halloween? Do you lean towards spooky decorations or towards cartoony decorations? Let me know in the comments!

(Product links are affiliate links which provide a commission at no extra cost to you. Than you for your support!)


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